All In Podcast

13: Bestselling author shares his secrets with his Publish. Promote. Profit. System to help you become a #1 Best Seller

Daniel Giordano

About Rob Kosberg

Rob Kosberg is a #1 best selling author, founder of and has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX news.

Rob has spoken to and taught thousands of entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants how to stop hunting for clients and instead position themselves as the hunted.

Through his trademarked Publish. Promote. Profit. TM program Rob helps his clients to create their own professional, bestselling book (guaranteed) and then teaches them how to use that book to grow their income via speaking engagements, free publicity and lead generation strategies.

Rob’s Story:

Rob starts off about writing a bestselling book in 2009. Then he takes us back to when received his real estate license at the age of 18 and his broker license at the age of 19. He able to pay his way through college selling real estate. Then he went into the mortgage and title business. Rob was very successful in his late 20s and then he decided to sell everything and go into full time ministry for eleven years. He also was able to lead churches in Florida, Tennessee and California.

In 2003 he resigned from full-time ministry and went back into business and still is heavily involved in his current church in California. Currently Rob is helping public speakers and wannabe speakers build their brand and position themselves as a top public speakers.

Most Influential Person:

  • Rob’s Dad thought him about character and business.
  • Rob’s close friends are with him through thick and thin and are a major influence for Rob
  • LISTEN UP as Rob’s last but not least influential is bigger than life

Biggest Challenges:

  • We need to make sure our decision are the best they can be. Rob’s biggest challenges came while he was betting heavy in the Florida real estate market. LISTEN UP as Rob explains other things in life you can’t control that caused him a challenge. This audio bite section might help you understand your situation if your challenge has to do with people.

Life’s Lowest Point:

  • Real Estate was a definite low point in Rob’s life when he had to close his businesses that had created millions of dollars for him.

The Turnaround Moment in Rob’s life:

  • Hustling and figuring out how to make it happen when the Florida real estate market hit him hard. LISTEN UP as Rob shares with us a bonus of what gave him a feeling of gratitude. It should be no surprise that it had to do with continuing his purpose.

How did this happen to Rob?

  • Rob is hard on himself and feels he could have been more prudent and wise while working with real estate in Florida. LISTEN UP as Rob shares with us the feeling he had of putting his family in jeopardy in the past. This feeling made him focus to make better choices for a better outcome.

Defining Success:

  • Success involves financial attainment but it’s not the only thing. What truly defines Rob’s Success is enjoying the clients he works with, enjoying time with his friends and his family.

Defining living in your Purpose:

  • Rob realizes that his purpose could change in 10 years. LISTEN UP has he speaks about looking forward to helping those that have a huge need in the near future

Advice on how to be All-In:

  • Rob talks about taking a look inside yourself to see what has to be adjusted through journaling. LISTEN UP as

Favorite Quote:

  • “A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” – George S. Patton

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