All In Podcast

15: Creating Simple Tools to Help Others, Drives Hani to Share His Passion.

Daniel Giordano

About Hani Mourra

Hani Mourra is a dad, software engineer and an online marketing coach who has helped produce hundreds of videos and podcasts for his clients. He is also the creator of Simple Video Press and Simple Podcast Press, two WordPress plugins that automate publishing of videos and podcasts to your WordPress site and include a player designed to help you grow your audience.

He is extremely passionate about creating software tools to help entrepreneurs generate more leads and grow their businesses online.

Hani’s Story:

Hani’s passion is creating video, automating processes and teaching people. In 2009 Hani was introduced to Blogging and WordPress. He then created a blog called Easy Online Video Tips. The purpose of the blog was to help people overcome the fear of technology with video. The blog created a following who thought Hani gave them value. Since Hani’s background is in software engineering so he combined his passion and his skills and created his first software called “Simple Video Press”. Hani was asked to help people with video editing he also was asked to convert videos into a podcasts. This concept turned out to be “Simple Podcast Press” which started out to be an automation tool for podcast and now is an all-encompassing tool box for podcasts.

Defining Success:

  • Financial reward is great but getting personal satisfaction and having a family life with a balance are the meaning of success. LISTEN UP as Hani shares the benefits of finding his balance.

Most Influential Person:

  • Hani’s work ethic and responsibility comes from Hani’s Dad LISTEN UP as you can see those qualities are part of working with Hani.
  • His software is influenced by Steve Jobs’ philosophy about attention to small detail. Hani references this quote from a Steve Jobs interview: “When you’re a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you’re not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it faces the wall and nobody will ever see it. You’ll know it’s there, so you’re going to use a beautiful piece of wood in the back. For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through.” Hani sums this up by saying this “The small details matters for the user experience: making sure things look good on the inside and the outside is designed properly.

Biggest Challenges:

  • The ups and downs in business and struggling with yourself. In the beginning stages of developing his business and his software the struggles of developing his team and the self-doubt when a small issue arises. Hani remembers questioning his late night and not spending enough time with his family. LISTEN UP to Hani’s important advice to getting pass those humps!

Life’s Lowest Point:

  • Hani had a low point before creating his software. He had a traditional job managing software. The project stopped and he was pulled to work on a project he didn’t enjoy. LISTEN UP how Hani pushed himself to create something and take more control. —- Hani says it’s hard to work on something you don’t really enjoy.

Defining living in your Purpose & Advice on how to be All-In:

  • Automating process by making it easy and simple.  so they can reach their goals. LISTEN UP how many different ways he accomplishes his purpose.

Favorite Quote:

  • “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

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About the Instructor