All In Podcast

8: Dr. Joe Esposito – 7 Deadly Sins of Nutrition

Daniel Giordano

About Dr. Joe Esposito

Dr. Joe Esposito has 28 years of medical practice and lecturing experience. He wants to show the world how his company’s wellness workshops will benefit you.
The workshops are geared towards increasing productivity, stopping people from falling asleep at work after lunch, decreasing workers comp premiums for employers, lowering health insurance costs, improve worker’s morale, and having employees feel good when they leave work instead of being exhausted.
Dr. Joe is doing wellness trainings around the US. He is continuing grow his two nationally syndicated radio shows. He is also co-authoring a book.

How did you come up with the 7 deadly sins of nutrition?

  • Dr. Joe’s dad in his situation being deaf never got down on himself and had a great way at looking at his misfortune. Dr. Joe was less fortunate than others going up but never knew any difference.

Define Success:

  • For Dr. Joe money is not what brings him happiness or defines his success. It goes back to the results of his patients and friends that he can call on anytime. Money does not mean a thing if he didn’t have the results with his patients and his friends.

Life’s Lowest Point:

  • In 2008 during the crash his father and uncle died within 8 weeks of each other. That same year he had some business deals that didn’t work out. LISTEN UP to understand how he overcame his troubles with his patients

Defining living in your Purpose:

  • Doing seminars to change people’s lives and helping to shape people’s future.

Favorite Quote:

  • “Trust, but Verify” – Ronald Reagan
  • When you win an argument stop
  • Never pass up an opportunity to pee

Advice on how to be All-In:

  • Dr. Joe says to be careful what you do and to think about repercussion of life LISTEN UP to Dr. Joe talking about leaving a legacy. He says what can I do today that I will never be repaid for.

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