All In Podcast

23: Finding Your Voice with Joel Boggess”

Daniel Giordano

About Joel Boggess

A turning point in Joel’s life came when he was just 5 years old, stemming from an incident that almost resulted in him being hit by a train. While out hiking with family and friends, he had climbed up on a train trestle that was 30 feet above a gorge. By the time his father saw him and was able to run to the tracks, the train was already there, but Joel was not. He had fallen the 30 feet below, where he lay on the jagged rocks, very narrowly missing death. He spent 3 weeks in a coma and, upon waking, had to re-learn everything a child his age already knew had developed.

He fought back, going all-in by investing himself in every aspect of his healing. He went on to earn both his MBA and a Master’s in Counseling, as well as becoming a syndicated radio host, life coach, author and podcaster. His latest book, ‘Finding Your Voice’, hit the #1 spot on Amazon in 3 categories-success, happiness and self-esteem.

His podcast, ReLaunch, is actually his 9th show, along with wife and co-host, Pei. They really hit the mark on this one, recently passing the one million mark in listeners. It has given them an opportunity to speak publicly on a national level regarding issues that people from all walks of life can resonate with.

Facing Adversity

  • Even if you have been through the wringer, you can embrace who you are and the value you have to offer to people.

Biggest Challenges:

  • As result of his childhood accident, he had lost the ability to perform even the most basic tasks all other children his age knew, as well as being affected by temporary paralysis.
  • He couldn’t even walk a straight line for some time, but with persistence he regained almost full use of his right side.
  • He learned early on that, if he wanted to accomplish something of significance, he was probably going to have to work twice as hard than the average person. He came to accept that.

Inspiration for ‘Finding Your Voice’:

  • This book is so very powerful because it is based on his own personal experience, as well as touching on that of his parents and their struggles.
  • He wanted to create a guidebook to show people how to look within themselves to identify their skills, passions and dreams and let them shine.

ReLaunch-The Podcast:

  • Joel and his wife, Pei, were searching for a perfect one-word title that would also tell a story that people could easily understand.
  • The title and the show are so relatable to people on so many levels because we have all experienced a personal ‘relaunch’, whether it is within our personal or our business lives.
  • They wanted to send the message that a relaunch is healthy-it’s good to grow and develop into a next better phase of your life, to start over emotionally and spiritually.

Advice on Gaining Clarity:

  • Reach out to others who know, like and trust you. Ask them what they have seen in you-what makes you happiest, your strengths, etc. The answers are very clarifying.
  • We don’t notice things about ourselves because we are too involved with who we are, but others can see qualities that we have been blind to or have not assigned value to.

Advice on Being All-In:

  • Invest yourself fully in whatever goal you are pursuing.
  • When you go all-in and give it everything you have, there isn’t going to be any competition.
  • When you use your talent and link arms with those who are strong where you are weak, you become unstoppable.

Favorite Quote:

  • “There’s no traffic jams along the extra mile.” (Roger Staubach)
  • “Talent wins games, but intelligence and teamwork wins championships.” (Michael Jordan)

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About the Instructor