All In Podcast

19: How to Perform at Your Highest Level with Bert Oliva

Daniel Giordano

About Bert Oliva

Bert Oliva, CEO/Founder of BOWAworld, is a world renowned public speaker, author and corporate trainer. He has received international recognition for delivering “how to” techniques with a high energy message; showing people how to communicate more positively and powerfully. His passion is in teaching and transforming how employees, management professionals and leadership teams communicate to get their bottom line up.

For more than 21 years, Bert has helped thousands of people transform self-limiting beliefs into self-fulfilling breakthroughs to achieve their dreams. Bert brings real world advice, carefully researched facts, memorable humor and powerful stories to the platform in order to shake up, wake up and motivate audiences in ways that produce lasting results.

Bert’s programs incorporate practical principles that offer people the skills and knowledge they need to add value to their business or their personal lives. His programs are designed for today’s fast food society and social media mentality; they are interactive, impactful, and innovative. Some of his clients have included: HBO, Perry Ellis, HP, Marriott IVC, Trump Network and many more.

One quote that he is known for and truly believes in is:
“Live Life, Don’t Let Life Live You.” – Bert Oliva

Bert’s Story:

Bert Oliva came to the United States, as an infant, with just his mother, who was fleeing the Communist regime in Cuba.

He had no father, grandparents or siblings, and spent a lot of time with his mom while she worked at jobs such as housecleaning. At the time, they were living in poverty, in an apartment house where 6 families had to share a bathroom. As a small child, however, you don’t really notice the differences between rich and poor and his mother taught him from a young age “We are poor but we’re not broke”-a mindset he has carried throughout his whole life.

As a young man, his first job was with Xerox, whom he credits with giving him some of the best training possible in the business world. That environment is where he became aware of personal development. He invested his whole being and became very involved with every opportunity that he could at Xerox and through that, he met mentors that he now counts as peers and lifelong friends.

After Xerox, he started his own company, Hook It Up.Com, a successful venture that went from 4 employees to 58. He was set for a bright future and had great people willing to invest but was hit hard by the internet crash and that company folded. He reinvented himself and his future by forming BOWA World, a company that is still going strong after 21 years and is also his vehicle for participating in charitable ventures worldwide.

Most Influential Person:

  • His mom. She never told him anything was impossible-she taught him that as long as you do everything with your whole heart and work hard, you can succeed.
  • She was really his first mentor and so many of his values are from her. To this day, he loves speaking to women and children and that is because of her. He is very aware of how much she sacrificed to provide a good life for him.

Biggest Challenges:

  • When he lost his internet business, it took a while to rebuild and become successful again.
  • But, when you have learned the right tools, from the right people, they are for the rest of your life.
  • Don’t look at the past like a ‘failure’. Live for the present and make the most of the tools you’ve been given.

Life’s Lowest Point:

  • Professionally, when he lost his computer business in the ‘Dot Com’ fallout and went from owning his own company and having a pretty affluent status to living in a warehouse and having to hide the car to avoid it being repossessed.
  • Emotionally, when his mom passed away. For 44 years, she was his mom, his dad, his everything. When she passed, it was like losing all of his family members at one time.

Defining Success?:

  • Success is about balance. Too much of anything can be a bad thing.
  • Everyone’s definition of success is different and depends upon your personal goals.
  • Life is an amazing journey-you are going to meet the right people at the right time on your path.
  • Be mindful that true success takes real time and work-if someone promises you can become rich overnight, don’t take that class!

Defining living in your Purpose:

  • Be a student of life. When you live in this awareness, you realize that you have mentors all around you.
  • Know that everyone around you has something to teach-always take those opportunities.
  • The day you stop learning is the day you stop living.

Advice on how to be All-In:

  • Today’s world moves very fast-you need to constantly be evolving to meet changes.
  • Start living life. Don’t stay in the past, don’t obsess about the future. Live life in the present.
  • Know exactly what you want so you can start living your purpose for the rest of your life.

Favorite Quote:

  • “Live Life, Don’t Let Life Live You.” – Bert Oliva

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