All In Podcast

14: How Zach Got ALL IN partnering with Amazon which radically changed his life

Daniel Giordano

About Zach Young

Zach Young is a husband, father, and business consultant. He’s been married for 13 years, and his kids ages range from 1 to 11 years old… 3 boys and 3 girls.

His work background consists of Marketing, Sales, Management, and Executive Roles. He spent 13 years trying different home business opportunities while working 40-60 hours per week in corporate America. Majority of those home business opportunities ended in failure… but he didn’t give up his dream to be able to work from home and provide a nice living for his family, while also spending a lot of time with them.

In February of 2010, Zach took the leap and started working from home full-time. After almost shipwrecking his family financially, he finally started having success in the home business niche… primarily by using the Amazon selling platform. He actually had a 30 day time frame where he made $75,000 in profit while selling on Amazon.

With a desire to see many people experience the freedom he had found, he started consulting people on how to have success while working from home. He currently runs a successful consulting business that teaches people how to successfully sell products on Amazon.

Zach’s Story:

Early childhood Lives in SW Missouri and has been able to accomplish goals. Zach’s Dad grew up a blue collar worker. Get good grades so you can get a good job. In high school Zach lost his way and had a feeling of void. Zach was searching for answers and hope. Zach even attempted to take his life. Some Acquaintances in his life reached out to him and helped him find his faith in God and himself. LISTEN UP as he explains what he found when he got faith.

Zach speaks about finding meaning in Aug 1998 and knowing he needed to provide financially. Zach’s work experience ranges from retail to numerous network marketing and sales positions. Zach found it hard to balance work, family and moving around. His dream was now fueled by not wanting to struggle like he had in the past. He found the courage to go after his dream now armed with a safety net of a good reverse account and believing that God was leading him.

Zach having what you need to accomplish his dreams he still fell on financial struggles which still led his family into a whirl wind of trouble. Zach eventually had success helping a company develop a web presence and with some direct sales from home. This allowed him to work on eBay and amazon part-time making $3,000 a month. Zach had a taste of a little success but even then he still decided to take on another network marketing. The network company helped Zach focus on absorbing content that enriched his life and help him pay his monthly expenses. He recommends the book by Bob Proctor “Book You Were Born Rich”  Click the link to get your free copy

Zach really loves the book and applied what he learned, and miraculously saw amazing results from some of the things he applied from the book. He relates the book to the bible verse Proverbs: 23:7: “As a man thinks in his heart so is he”
LISTEN UP as Zach briefly explains the bible verse and how his Vision Statements starting to become a reality.
If you are interested in drop shipping with Amazon by Zach Young LISTEN UP as he unpacks what working with Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) looks like.

Most Influential Person:

  • His spiritual parents, Uncle Dan and Aunt Phyllis, did not judge him but loved and accepted him. LISTEN UP to hear how else they helped him find peace and purpose.

Biggest Challenges:

  • Almost shipwrecking his family when going full-time into working from home.
  • Experiencing my daughter having seizures.

Life’s Lowest Point:

  • When he had to borrow money from his 8 year old son’s allowance to buy groceries for his family.

Defining Success:

  • Fulfilling God’s will for his life.
  • Loving and serving Him, the Lord.
  • Loving and serving people.
  • Being a Loving husband and good father.
  • Doing all he can to make a positive impact in the lives’ of others and leaving a legacy behind for his children and the lives he has touched.
  • LISTEN UP as Zach also discusses what financial success means to him

Defining living in your Purpose:

  • To be the best husband, father, and servant he can be. In the business world, it’s to help people experience financial, physical, and spiritual freedom.

Advice on how to be All-In:

  • Know that God has a great plan and purposed for your life (even if you don’t believe in God.) You are a product of the environment and programming that you have been surrounded by, even since you were a baby.
  • It’s not impossible to detect faulty programming that you are experiencing, and then have it rewired. It’s just like a computer with viruses. If you eliminate the viruses, the programming functions exactly the way it was intended to.
  • He recommends you read a book called “Beyond Willpower” by Dr. Alexander Loyd.
  • Really all of your SUCCESS or FAILURES will stem from your programming, and this book can help you in that area.

Favorite Quote:

  • ON FOCUS “If you chase 2 rabbits, both will escape.” – Ancient Proverb

Learn More:

  • Free Gift: Promo Code for a 1 month test run.
    • allin15 (no spaces.)

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About the Instructor