All In Podcast


In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Mark Struczewski, a productivity expert who works with entrepreneurs to overcome distractions in order to avoid being overwhelmed.

When Mark was fired, he was angry and unsure of what to do next. It was 2005. Social media was on the upswing and entrepreneurship was still coming into its own. With little experience, Mark decided to start a wedding photography business. The venture failed, but Mark learned something valuable about himself – he loved public speaking. Not only that, but speaking could be used to promote a business.

This was a pivotal moment in Mark’s life. He thought that entrepreneurship was just about hiring coaches and taking courses. Now, he had something to call his own. Mark created an email list. In time, an empire was born.

One of the ways that entrepreneurs go wrong is they spread themselves too thin, losing focus and moving on to the newest platform. Instead of sticking to a blue ocean where the market is open, they flock to a red one and become one of many voices. Clients should never be directed to a social media page. Instead, they should be sent to YOU where the messaging is something you control.

It took Mark a while to learn this lesson. Had he not lost focus, he believes that his email list would be even larger. Mark also had to learn to let go. When he ‘came to his senses’ and allowed his wife to help behind the scenes, it freed him up to be a better content creator.

Success doesn’t mean that you plan every moment of your life. Becoming ‘Mister Productivity’ meant that Mark made the decision to remove distractions and take care of himself physically and mentally.

He encourages others to quit wasting time. Read instead, and learn as much as you can about the world. A better read person asks better questions, and better questions lead to better results.


  • Mark’s background and early career.
  • Speaking to support a business.
  • Getting fired. A blessing in disguise?
  • The 3 rules of success.
  • Deplatform-proof ownership.
  • Red ocean vs. blue ocean strategies.
  • Improvement through delegation.
  • Being intentional in everything you do.
  • The origins of ‘Mister Productivity.’
  • How to read your way to a ‘free’ MBA.


  • “I just love life. Every day I wake up ready to serve the world.” – Mark
  • “I’m so thankful I was fired because had I not been thankful, would I be ‘Mister Productivity?’ Would I have my podcast? Would I have my own business? Probably no. I’d probably still work for that company.” – Mark
  • “I thought that when I first got into entrepreneurship, ‘oh, you just hire coaches and you pay for courses and masterminds.’ No, the answer is, you’ve got to hire the right coaches and get the right mentors and the right courses.” – Mark
  • “When I became an entrepreneur in 2005, I was told there’s 3 rules to being a successful entrepreneur. Number one, build your email list. Number two, build your email list. Number three, build your email list.” – Mark
  • “At the end of the day, distractions are what disable us and paralyze us and not actually get us to where we want to go.” – Daniel
  • “We were never intended to sit behind our screens all the time.” – Mark
  • “Instead of spending so much time watching or consuming the news, or consuming all of these frivolous social media stories and content, start reading.” – Mark

About Mark

Mark Struczewski is a productivity expert, trainer and host of the Mark Struczewski Podcast. Known as ‘Mister Productivity,’ Mark specializes in helping entrepreneurs avoid ‘overwhelm’ so they can get their work done and enjoy life.

Contact Mark


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About the All In Podcast Show:

The All-In Podcast Show presents top Entrepreneurs, Innovators and World Changers willing to share their breakthrough moments and how they are changing the world. Focused on being “All-In” on the four areas of life: faith, family, finances, and health, host Daniel Giordano invites mentors who exemplify balance and a commitment to building a bold life of excellence.

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