All In Podcast

73: Resilience Speaker, Mindset Expert, & Practicing Therapist

Daniel Giordano


On this episode of The All-In podcast, Daniel sits down with therapist, author, and resilience expert Darlene Corbett to talk all things therapy and hope in the age of COVID. Darlene grew up with a disabled sister, a circumstance she believes led to her desire to help people in her career. Throughout their conversation, Darlene and Daniel touch on hypnotherapy, the practices Darlene employs to keep herself healthy as a therapist, and the best ways to beat back isolation.

Darlene’s biggest hope is that through her work she will have helped someone see their worth. Don’t miss this insightful and hopeful conversation from two people who believe that as long as there’s life on earth, there is hope.


  • How Darlene’s years growing up in central Massachusetts with a disabled sister led to her career as a therapist.
  • Darlene has been practicing hypnotherapy since 1991, after sexual abuse and trauma came to light in the ‘80s and ‘90s.
  • In the late ‘80s, Darlene experienced a string of nightmares about someone breaking into her condo that she attributes to the trauma she hears about through her practice. The nightmares eventually subsided, but sometimes the sadness and unfairness she hears about can get to her.
  • Some practices that Darlene employs to protect herself from taking on the burdens of her clients include:
    • Starting with that positive foundation
    • Exercising
    • Singing
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Looking at what she’s grateful for
  • Life can be tough, but Darlene believes we can always look for hope.
  • The biggest psychological issue Darlene has noticed since the beginning of the pandemic is isolation.
    • Anxiety and depression have increased from either feeling disconnected or the fear of getting COVID.
  • For someone who’s experiencing isolation, here are some things they can do:
    • Try to connect virtually
    • Develop something new
    • Get outside and take a walk
  • Darlene hopes that through her work she’s been able to help someone see their worth and helped people in a way that makes them believe in themselves.
  • The best ways to contact Darlene.


  • “It was there in the cards, in the stars, in the genes—that’s why I’m a therapist.”
  • “Every so often it gets to me when I hear such sadness, such unfairness.”
  • “I do things that distract me, that take me away, and I remind myself that sitting with people that have wounds—inward wounds, outward wounds, or both—I remind myself that I’m very blessed.”
  • “As long as we have life on this earth, there’s hope. Be open to the possibility that you can develop something new in every chapter of your life.”
  • “Nothing truly stays the same. The only thing that is constant is change.”
  • “I want to be remembered for that fact that I could help someone see their worth.”

About Darlene

I firmly believe it is an honor and a pleasure to speak to associations and organizations as I engage them to achieve greater success. How do I do this? I remind audiences that how we think is everything, and changing mindset is the beginning of getting unstuck. My book, Stop Depriving The World of You, embodies my absolute belief that everyone is capable of getting unstuck no matter age or circumstances.

All organizations and people plateau at some point for a variety of reasons. Consequently, they become mired in a certain mindset and get stuck. During these static periods of performance, they can benefit from discovering dormant strengths and talents as a way to change mindset, get unstuck, and make way for growth and change. 

With over thirty years of experience working with professionals to alter their mindset and get unstuck, I have developed and utilized the tools to augment this and attain peak performance for greater success. My high-content speeches provide individuals and organizations these same strategies needed to overcome the normal dips and plateaus that inhibit performance. By implementing these strategies, mindset will change, performance will increase, potential will be unleashed, and success will be achieved at the optimal level desired.

I have a dual degree in Psychology and Urban Studies. In addition, I received my masters’ degree from Boston University and have been a licensed therapist in the State of MA for over 25 years. I am an active member of several industry associations, including the National Speakers Association, Toastmasters International and the Wachusett Chamber of Commerce. Currently, I serve on the Board of Directors for Abby’s House in Worcester, MA.

I am a Featured Contributor with BizCatalyst 360 where I have a column “Inspiring You,” and I have been quoted in Knox News,, Bustle, and Best Life. Other articles and blogs can be found on, LinkedIn, Sixty and Me, Goodreads and Thrive Global.

In August of 2019, I became the podcast host for Tap Into The Powber of U, which can be found on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Stitcher or any other platform where you listen to podcasts. 

Further Info/Contacts:

Stop Depriving the World of You: A Guide for Getting Unstuck

About the All In Podcast Show:

The All-In Podcast Show presents top Entrepreneurs, Innovators and World Changers willing to share their breakthrough moments and how they are changing the world. Focused on being “All-In” on the four areas of life: faith, family, finances, and health, host Daniel Giordano invites mentors who exemplify balance and a commitment to building a bold life of excellence.

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